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No. 1 in Europe

FamiCord Group cord blood banks have been operating in Europe since 2002. They were grouped in a network in 2006 by Polish Stem Cell Bank. Since that time FamiCord Group have been developing internationally and become the largest cord blood bank in Europe and the fourth largest cord blood bank in the World.

No 1 in Europe

No 3 in the World

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Famicord CY

FamiCord CY is the representative of FamiCord Suisse in Cyprus.


Success Stories

The best ambassadors of umbilical cord blood banking are patients who were saved thanks to the collected cord blood at the delivery. See testimonials of children who live thanks to umblical cord blood...

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Information About Us

List of scientific publications

Watch short films about umbilical cord blood banking

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The Story Of Amelia
See how stem cell
can help

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Our Laboratory
Get a glimpse of our the blood processing procedure

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It's simpler than
you think



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vestibulum morbi blandit cursus
ul. Działkowa 85
02-234 Warsaw
Miraculous cells

Why is it worth it?

Umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells that have the ability to differentiate into other cell lines, e.g. nerve, bone, muscle or blood cells. By collecting umbilical cord blood and banking the stem cells contained in it, we gain access to innovative stem cell therapy when it is needed.